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Pink Tax: Investigating Price Disparities on Gender Specific Products

Dr. Chemmalar

12 Apr 2024

“Pink Tax” not an actual tax, is acknowledged universal phenomenon of disproportionate price variation in women products compared to their counterparts. Women in general, have to incur expenses in buying more essential products like menstrual and personal hygiene products for their living. In Germany and Finland, a single menstrual pad costs $0.04, while in the United Arab Emirates, it costs $0.23. Accordingly, the average number of times a person uses pads in their lifetime (11,400) multiplied by the cost of a single pad yields a lifetime cost of menstruation that ranges from $490 to $2,6681. Tampons and sanitary pads are subject to Value-Added Tax (VAT) in many developed nations, at rates higher than those of non-essential daily commodities. For instance, 36 states in the United States charge a sales tax on menstruation hygiene items. Tampons, sanitary napkins, menstruation cups, and vaginal health products are all part of the feminine hygiene sector, which has a substantial global market value and was predicted to grow from 35.4 billion U.S.

The Menace of Pink Tax

Items marketed towards women were cost 7% higher than those for males or gender-neutral items, according to research by the New York State Department of Consumer Affairs. The price difference was 13% for women's personal care products. Products promoted towards women may cost more than comparable products marketed towards men, according to the World Economic Forum. For example, women's fragrances and razors are frequently more expensive. On average, women pay 42% more than men do, which adds up to an extra $1,351 in annual spending. According to data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics, women who worked full-time in 2020 only made 82% of what males made. While the pink tax is not expressly covered by any federal statute in the United States, some states have laws against discriminatory gender-based pricing.

The pink tax places an additional financial burden on women, who frequently pay more than males do for goods and services that are targeted exclusively at them. This covers items used for personal hygiene such as deodorants, soaps, lotions, and razor blades. Women typically earn less than males, which exacerbates the impact of the pink tax and adds to the burden of additional expenses. Deeper cultural problems with gender norms and expectations are also reflected in the pink tax. It supports the idea that women should spend extra to uphold particular standards of personal hygiene and attractiveness.

There is currently a dearth of comprehensive legislation to adequately address the pink tax, despite the introduction of policies in several places that forbid gendered price discrimination. There is a continuous effort to advocate for legal improvements and increase awareness. The pink tax has wider ramifications for gender equality and economic fairness than just raising the price of a pink razor. It's a complicated matter that needs to be addressed by lawmakers, companies, and consumers in order to guarantee fair pricing policies and advance gender justice.

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