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Special Articles

7 Mar 2023

Intersectional feminism in India: Unequal among equals

Do all women experience equal privilege and same sufferings?

Intersectional feminism in India: Unequal among equals

18 Sept 2022

Comment on Rajnesh Vs Neha – Guidelines for Maintenance in Matrimonial matters

Rajnesh Vs Neha ((2021) 2 SCC 324)

Comment on Rajnesh Vs Neha – Guidelines for Maintenance in Matrimonial matters

25 Jul 2022

Space Law Ladder In India

India’s approach towards the development of space law

Space Law Ladder In India

1 Jul 2022

Right To Inclusive Education for Persons with Disabilities in India -With Special Reference to UN Conventions on Rights of Persons With Disabilities

“Every learner matters and matters equally” - UNESCO

Right To Inclusive Education for Persons with Disabilities in India -With Special Reference to UN Conventions on Rights of Persons With Disabilities

26 Jun 2022

The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) - A Fiery Weapon

A Fiery Weapon

The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) - A Fiery Weapon

20 Jun 2022

Jurisprudential Aspects of Legal Theory Skepticism and Philosophical Skepticism: Comparison, Contrast, and Assessment

Skepticism, Bad Man theory, Rule skepticism, Fact Skepticism

Jurisprudential Aspects of Legal Theory Skepticism and Philosophical Skepticism:   Comparison, Contrast, and Assessment

19 Jun 2022

Patent Prosecution: An Analysis

Patent Prosecution Decides the Fate of a Patent Application

Patent Prosecution: An Analysis

16 Jun 2022

The Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) Race and Data Ethics

Does embracing AI accelerate the data privacy concerns?

The Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) Race and Data Ethics

15 Jun 2022

An Analysis of Cryptocurrency and Cyber Security Laws

Blockchain is the technology behind bitcoin and other crypto-currencies

An Analysis of Cryptocurrency and Cyber Security Laws

26 May 2022

Climate change and Environmental Protection: India’s Unique Role in the Arctic as a ‘Tripolar state’

“The future of India will be, to a large extent, determined by the Arctic and the future of Arctic will also be determined by what takes place in India and other Asian countries”.
- Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Former President of Iceland

Climate change and Environmental Protection: India’s Unique Role in the Arctic as a ‘Tripolar state’

19 May 2022

The bird’s eye view of Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2019 -With Specific Reference to Judicial Scrutiny of The Kerala State Coastal Zone Management Authority v. Maradu Municipality and Others

“What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?” _ Henry David Thoreau

The bird’s eye view of Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2019 -With Specific Reference to Judicial Scrutiny of The Kerala State Coastal Zone Management Authority v. Maradu Municipality and Others

16 May 2022

Quest for High Court Bench in U.T. of Puducherry - Challenges and Outlook

High court bench in Puducherry if becomes reality, the right to access to justice and legal empowerment of people of U.T. of Puducherry will be strengthened.

Quest for High Court Bench in U.T. of Puducherry - Challenges and Outlook

16 May 2022

Protecting Women from Cyber Crime – Indian Scenario

Robust and aggressive legislation is the need of the hour, intended to be done in impulsive run.

Protecting Women from Cyber Crime – Indian Scenario

14 May 2022

The Right to Privacy and the Technology Divide Between Rich and Poor- A Huge Concern

In India encryption regulation, like all other forms of technology-driven legislation, is a work in progress.

The Right to Privacy and the Technology Divide Between Rich and Poor- A Huge Concern

14 May 2022

An Overview of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Devolution of Funds, Functions and Functionaries (3Fs) in India

The introduction of 73rd amendment act to the Indian constitution in 1992 is the turning point in the history of inclusive governance.

An Overview of Panchayat Raj Institutions and Devolution of Funds, Functions and Functionaries (3Fs) in India
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